Fido announce yesterday the official launch of this new plan, named Fido UNO. This plan (same thing of Home Calling Zone of Rogers) combines cellular network with WiFi network for make call. When you are at home your device switch to WiFi for save your cellular minutes and use Internet for calling. When you go outside your home your device switch to GSM network even during a call. You need a cell phone compatible with UNO, a router compatible with Fido UNO, a Fido UNO plan and I good internet connection. (minim 512 Kbps). Fido say this plan permit to have one phone, outside and inside house but I dont really understand why. The only good thing a see it?s you can save on call you make at your home with your cellphone but I don?t think many people cancel landline for use Fido UNO. When you are at home it?s after work and it?s already unlimited on many plan. After that you have weekend when you don?t work and the weekend are too unlimited on many plan.More information fido.ca/myfidouno
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