Sasktel has made it evident for months that they intended on releasing the iPhone 4, but we finally have an official launch date! According to Sasktel's website, the iPhone 4 will be launching the Apple iPhone 4 next Tuesday, April 26th. The 16GB will come in at $159 on a 3 year term, or $649 outright, while the 32GB model can be purchased for $269 on a 3 year contract, and $749 contract-free.

Those purchasing the handset outright, be warned that it is still locked to Sasktel. If you aren't eligible for an upgrade or don't like the idea of contracts however, it's certainly a viable option. So who's buying an iPhone 4 from Sasktel?


sasktel mobile canada wireless iphone 4 apple release launch official coming soon tuesday contract outright term 16gb 32gb

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